HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019

Learn how to add HubSpot SMS integration to your account in 60 seconds to allow two-way text messaging directly inside of HubSpot.

Your customers and leads prefer SMS text messaging, but it’s not available in the standard HubSpot product.  Fortunately,  it’s easy to add with the HubSpot SMS integration with Sakari.

In this guide we’re going to walk through step-by-step how to add HubSpot SMS messaging directly in your HubSpot account. In about 60 seconds and with no technical knowledge required, you can integrate text messaging in your HubSpot Account.

1. Setup your free account

To get started you’ll need to create a free Sakari account. Sakari is a business text messaging service that allows you to send a receive text messages from your computer. This account will then be integrated in to HubSpot.

To get started with your free account go to:     

2. Set up the Sakari HubSpot integration 

Now we’re ready to connect HubSpot with our Sakari messaging account.

To get started, log in to Sakari and go to Integrations > Hubspot in the left navigation.

Click the “Connect” button.

HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019
HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019

3. Connect your HubSpot Account

Now you’ll be redirected to HubSpot.

Click on the account you want to link.

You’ll be asked to verify integration permission, click the orange “Grant Access” button.

HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019
HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019


4. Synch HubSpot with Sakari

Now we’ve linked HubSpot and Sakari, but we need to pull in your existing contacts in Sakari. This will allow you to start sending text messages to any HubSpot contact right away.

Click the blue “Synchronize” button in the top left. A popup will appear asking you to confirm, click “Confirm.”

The synchronization will now begin, this typically takes a few minutes. You’ll receive an email when it’s complete.



During setup you have your choice of either mapping the HubSpot "Phone number" or the "Mobile phone number" record as your preferred field.  This will be the phone number field used to send the text message against.

HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019


HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019


5. You're done!

Now you’re ready to start sending and receiving text messages in HubSpot!


How to Send Messages

Now that the integration has been completed, you can now send and receive SMS directly from your HubSpot account.

There are two ways to send text messages in HubSpot, manual and using workflows.  We’ll walk through each briefly here.


Pro Tip

The "Send SMS" button will only appear when you have a phone number added for the contact in your preferred mapped field (see step #4 above). If this field is not populated, the "Send SMS" button won't appear and no text messages can be sent to the contact.


Manually Sending HubSpot SMS Messages

On each HubSpot contact record a new “Send SMS” button will appear.

To send a manual text message, go to a contact record (remember a phone number needs to be populated). Find the “SMS” module on the left. The first time you set this up, you may need to drag this new module up to the top of your screen. Click the “Send SMS” button and a popup will appear for you to send your message. When you receive a message reply, it will also be displayed here.

In the new popup type your message and click the send arrow on the right.  That’s it! Your message to the contact will be sent. Your message will also be added to the contacts timeline as a new SMS event.

HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019



HubSpot SMS Messaging Easy Setup Guide for 2019


Using HubSpot Workflows to Trigger SMS

HubSpot workflows allow you to automate tasks. Now that you’ve setup SMS integration with HubSpot, you can add text messaging as well. The options for text messaging in HubSpot workflows is practically unlimited. You can automatically have text messages sent when forms are completed. You can trigger a text message when reply is received, and you can use templates to personalize messages with a single workflow. We’ll cover more detailed examples in other posts, but here’s a example flow to get you started: Creating a workflow trigger when a message is received

6. Viewing SMS replies in HubSpot

Once you send SMS in HubSpot, you will likely receive message replies. Viewing responses is easy, simply go to the contacts record and you’ll see any replies in two places:

  • Timeline – When a text message is sent or received, it’s all recorded on the contacts timeline.
  • SMS Module – The last two messages send or received are displayed.
  • Chat Popup – Click the “Send SMS” button to open the conversation panel.  Here you can view the entire sent and received message history with the contact.

Try Sakari's SMS Marketing Platform for FREE

Ready to transform the way you communicate with your customers? Start your 14-day free trial with Sakari today and experience the power of seamless SMS messaging at your fingertips.

No credit card required, just immediate access to all the tools you need to enhance engagement and drive results.

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